Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Diary 4/24/19_Democrats Stop Talking Past GOP Trumpsters

We’re* going to lose this struggle to save American democracy if we continue talking past each other!  Trump supporters, or rather their arguments and PR strategies, must be better recognized and exposed and understood and vocally countered by an energized, engaged grassroots movement!

Stop following the GOP script - get better educated and eloquent and create a new one.  Then directly address Trumpism and the vandalism its inflicting upon our society - something that has not been happening.

Intellectually Confronting the Faith-blinded and the Faith-shackled would provide a much needed second benefit, to better educate OUR OWN people, who for the most part don't understand today's issues and rather withdraw within the comforts of consumerism than get engaged.

Profiles in Criminality, Grenon Bro's and Trump the traitor

America's President's Apparent Health Advisors:  Mark Grenon, Joseph Grenon, Jordan Grenon, and Jonathan Grenon sell and distribute ...

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