Thursday, February 13, 2020

"The Day Democracy Died" Sung by The Founding Fathers

     It depressing, I keep hoping for some awakening that never seems to happen.  We just get deeper and deeper into this quagmire of Me First self-delusion.
Trump wants to destroy the fabric of our society and apparently that fabric is not strong enough to withstand his ruthless bullying and liberals seem lost.
     Integrity, respect for others, honesty, good faith interest in learning, considering future consequences it's all shit on by the trump Republicans with god in their back pockets and a totalitarian disregard for two-thirds of this nation, while pulling a great fraud on the other third (with Putin's help).  This is the prelude to a self-inflicted national tragedy like none other, yet we sleep and the Democrats fumble and can't even inform and engage their own grassroots, let alone change any minds.  ... and still nobody out there.

Sung by The Founding Fathers

Including the lyrics

Profiles in Criminality, Grenon Bro's and Trump the traitor

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